Well it has been a busy week with the new car and family here. We have done a lot! Been to Ivanhoe Crossing.

Finally climbed up Kelly's Knob for a view of our town.

Here is Don pointing the way back to

What's a trip to Kununurra without going and feeding the fish at
Zebra Rock Gallery!

Think petrol is expensive your way??!! We braced ourselves for the first time we filled the tank! And that is for only
half a tank! We then drove back to
El Questro and stayed at
Emma Gorge Resort like we did last time.

On the drive out we popped into Molly Springs on the way.

Emma Gorge is as beautiful as always. Way to cold for me to swim but Daz, Don and the girls went in for a brisk dip.

Then the boys had a spot of fishing along the Pentecost River.

This view makes up for that horror of a few weeks report writing!

And on the way home we checked out
Wyndham which I found bleak and depressing and was so thankful that we got Kununurra as a posting rather than out there!
OMG!! the fuel price is crazy!! Lucky the stops make it worthwhile. Looks beautiful Helen!