We have looked foward to this holiday for over a year. Daz purchased himself a dingy just for the trip!
We went to Cape Lequeve which is right on the tip of the Dampier Peninsula, 220km north of Broome. Famous for its red cliffs on the beach on the Western side.

And its endless perfect beaches on the other side of the Peninsula.
We spent our days at the beach. The girls went boogie boarding.

I got to try out the underwater feature of my new camera.

Daz got to practise putting the boat in the water....

And then bringing it back in 5 hours later when the tide had gone out. Massive 12 metre tides in this part of the world, these two photos were taken from the same spot.
There was some fishing involved but no keepers. We did have an amazing experience of a pod of about 6 dolphins swimming and jumping in front of the boat on the second last day. That was so cool!
On the way home we stopped in at Beagle Bay to look at the chuch built by the Missionaries which is decorated with pearl shells and other shells.
It was a great break, very relaxing. A lovely part of Australia which not many people have managed to visit. Now just nine more weeks till our next holiday!